Fatima - Leather

Fatima - Leather

On June 6th at HTX Mulberry Studio, I had the pleasure to work with the beautiful Russian, Fatima. I wanted to do something a little different from what I had seen of her so I thought a little low key photography with different colors to accent her body and hair. To light her up I used my GVM RGB lights for rim lights, one set at blue and the other set at red. Then I used a Godox AD200 with a 38” deep parabolic octagon softbox above front at a 45 degree angle for the main light. My camera of choice was my Canon EOS R with my 85mm set at ISO 100, f5 at 1/125 of a sec.

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Marcela - Throwback

Marcela - Throwback

This throwback set of Marcela was taking January 12, 2014 at what would become Studio 406. I was only in town for a month and a half when I came back to the U.S. from shooting in South East Asia. We had worked together a few times before I went overseas so when I came back she was one of the few that I had to work with while I was in town. (25 images)

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